Formule XLS/Excel pour le SEO

par Aurélien Bardon

  1. How to extract the domain name from a URL including HTTP(S) and www
  2. How to extract the domain name from a URL not including HTTP(S)
  3. How to extract the domain name from a URL not including HTTP(S) and www
  4. How to extract the website name from a URL
  5. How to extract the protocol only from a URL
  6. How to extract the domain name extension from a URL
  7. How to see which URLs end with a trailing slash or not
  8. How to extract the URL path
  9. How to extract the first URL folder from a URL
  10. How to extract the second URL folder from a URL
  11. How to extract anything before or after a parameter in a URL
  12. How to extract anything from second to last folder

Aurélien Bardon
Dites STOP aux régressions SEO avec Oseox

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